Drill Powered Vehicle
Component Design | University of Colorado, Boulder

Students were given a Makita drill and a budget of 300 dollars to design and build an electric vehicle.
Design Features
- Lightweight chromemoly circular tube frame
- Large wheels to minimize rolling friction
- Walnut footboard soaked in linseed oil
- Top speed of 19 mph
- 4 mile range on a 2.4Ah Battery Pack
My Role
I was the Team Manager for this build and so I drove the design process, made executive decisions on paths we would take, and organized the manufacturing schedule. With my leadership and a hardworking team we were able to complete assembly two weeks before 'race day', giving us lots of time to test and practice.
This extra time for preparation helped us win the 'Endurance Challenge' and our bike was deemed 'Best Built' (out of 20 competitors).
